So When Are You Having Kids?
A newsletter (and soon-to-be book) for those who aren't sure if, when, or how they want to become parents
At some point in your life, you've probably entertained the question of whether or not you want kids. In the back of your mind, you might have picked out a name you liked or imagined what a child would look like with your eyes and your partner's nose. Or maybe it's the other way around: You love other people's children, but would never want your own. If you want kids, great. If you have other priorities in life, also great.
But what if you have no idea what you're doing? You might be thinking, "How can I have a baby when there is a mountain of dirty laundry that's practically festering in the corner of my room?" Or perhaps you're wondering how you can afford childcare on top of your student loans. And is your biological clock really ticking as loud as all of the egg-freezing ads popping up on your Facebook feed seem to suggest?
Despite the huge responsibility of having a child, the only "how-tos" you'll find on the subject are how to get pregnant and how to raise a child once you have one. The challenges of parenting in today's world are mounting, but there aren’t many resources keeping up with this evolution.
That’s where So When Are You Having Kids? comes in.
Unlike other parenting books, So When Are You Having Kids? is not a "how-to" for getting pregnant. It's a resource book for women, men, same-sex couples, prospective single parents, and gender non-conforming folks, who are trying to decide if, when, and how they want to bring children into the world. The book will tackle everything from familial and societal pressure to have children to navigating infertility and alternative methods of becoming a parent, the financial costs of having and raising kids, and the ethics of doing so in the age of climate change.
Sounds great, right?
I’m glad you think so. I’m currently writing the book, so it won’t be available until it’s published in Spring 2022. In the meantime, you can subscribe to the So When Are You Having Kids? newsletter for a behind-the-scenes look at the book, publication updates, interview highlights, resources, and more.
I’m also looking for people to interview so if you want kids, don’t want kids, or if you already have kids and want to share your thoughts on parenthood please sign up so I can reach you once I start scheduling interviews. I’m looking to feature a variety of perspectives and would love to hear from members of the LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and disability communities as well as any other groups whose experiences are traditionally left out of parenting narratives.
I’m so excited to get this resource — both the newsletter and the book — in your hands.
Talk soon!
P.S. You can learn more about why I created this project here.
In the meantime, tell your friends!